Thank you for your interest in learning how you can help be a part of loving our neighbors in Africa more intentionally and effectively through our efforts here in the U.S. There are several ways in which individuals can contribute time as volunteers with Compassion Corps.

Opportunities to Help

We have various gatherings to prepare for and follow up after the short-term trips that we take each year. During these meetings, we may take time do such things as preliminary research, donation organization, supply preparation, and more.

internWe also host a couple of larger advocacy and fundraising events during the year, and would welcome additional assistance in running these events. If you are interested in helping to organize advocacy dinners or events, 5k fundraisers, or simply in assisting us with administrative work at the office, we are always grateful for extra helping hands!

If you would like to donate a few hours once in a while or even to commit to help on a regular basis, we can certainly put your time to use as a volunteer! Please fill out and submit the form below or call Beth McMillen for more information: 610-955-8052. Thanks so much!


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